HB1019, HB1026, HB1029 Among CUT’s Weekly Oppositions

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COHB1019 – Third-Party Administration of Division of Housing Programs

The Colorado Union of Taxpayers (CUT) opposes this bill due to its inappropriate use of the safety clause, which declares the measure an emergency without justification. CUT highlights that the bill permits state agencies to outsource administrative functions to contractors without additional funding. This reduces available program funds and sets the stage for future cost increases, effectively burdening taxpayers with inefficiencies. The bill, supported by Representatives Emily Sirota and Nick Hinrichsen, is currently awaiting a second reading on the House floor.

COHB1026 – Repeal Copayment for Department of Corrections Inmate Health Care

CUT stands against this bill, citing the improper use of the safety clause and the unfair treatment it establishes. The organization argues that removing copays for inmates creates privileges not afforded to law-abiding citizens, with taxpayers shouldering the cost. Sponsored by Representatives Michael Carter and Lorena García, the bill recently advanced to the House Appropriations Committee.

COHB1029 – Municipal Authority Over Certain Land

This bill raises red flags for CUT as it would allow municipalities to acquire land outside their boundaries and exercise full police power over it, even if the land falls within another jurisdiction. CUT views this as a potential land grab and opposes the bill’s use of the safety clause. The measure, sponsored by Andy Boesenecker, Cathy Kipp, and Yara Zokaie, is scheduled for a second reading on the House floor.

COHB1054 – Repeal Legislative Audit Committee Reviews of Emissions Program

CUT opposes this bill for its lack of transparency and potential regulatory overreach. The repeal of audit committee reviews could lead to programs that fail to comply with federal EPA requirements, introducing unnecessary burdens on businesses and individuals reliant on combustible engines. The measure, championed by multiple bipartisan sponsors, awaits a second reading in the House.

COHB1077 – Backflow Prevention Devices Requirements

Although CUT supports reducing regulatory burdens, it opposes this bill due to its reliance on the safety clause. CUT argues that invoking the clause is unnecessary and undermines legislative transparency, even for a bill that might otherwise benefit citizens. Sponsored by Representatives Sheila Lieder, Naquetta Ricks, and Dylan Roberts, the bill is currently in committee.

COSB005 – Worker Protection Collective Bargaining

CUT strongly opposes this bill, describing it as a payoff to unions rather than a measure benefiting workers. The organization criticizes its exclusion of worker voices and its use of the safety clause to push union-driven policies. Sponsored by a large coalition of Democratic lawmakers, the bill recently passed through the Senate Business, Labor, & Technology Committee and awaits further consideration.

Click on a row in the table for the complete bill information, including commentary, bill sponsors, and links. 

Url Week Rated Bill Number Description CUT Position CUT Comment Safety Clause Bill Progress Last Action Action Date Sponsor List Versions Votes State Link Fiscal Note Link Name
https://www.billtrack50.com/billdetail/177095201/01/1970HB1019Sirota & Hinrichsen: Third-Party Administration of Division of Housing ProgramsNOInappropriate use of the Safety Clause. The "Third-Party Administration of Division of Housing Programs" is not an emergency. The bill effectively allows an agency paid to perform a function contract out that function. The bill is a carve-out for contractors to do administrative work. Taxpayers are already paying the state agency to administer the program. Since it doesn't ask for additional funding, this bill would reduce funding available for the actual program. It would therefore setup future expenditure increases.SCIn CommitteeHouse Second Reading Calendar (09:00:00 1/24/2025 House Floor)01/01/1970Emily Sirota (D)*, Nick Hinrichsen (D)*11https://leg.colorado.gov/bills/hb25-1019https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/documents/2025A/bills/fn/2025a_hb1019_00.pdf|Fiscal Note FN1Third-Party Administration of Division of Housing Programs
https://www.billtrack50.com/billdetail/177116201/01/1970HB1026García, Carter: Repeal Copayment for Department of Corrections Inmate Health CareNOFirst, the bill uses the safety clause. This is not an emergency therefore should be made available for voter review. Second, copays are common. Much of the general public must pay them. Why should inmates receive better treatment than law-abiding citizens? No special privileges for inmates paid for by taxpayers.SCIn CommitteeHouse Committee on Judiciary Refer Amended to Appropriations01/01/1970Michael Carter (D)*, Lorena García (D)*11https://leg.colorado.gov/bills/hb25-1026https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/documents/2025A/bills/fn/2025a_hb1026_00.pdf|Fiscal Note FN1Repeal Copayment for Department of Corrections Inmate Health Care
https://www.billtrack50.com/billdetail/177081901/01/1970HB1029Zokaie, Boesenecker & Kipp: Municipal Authority over Certain LandNOThis bill would allow a municipality to acquire land outside its municipal boundaries and then exert full police power over that land...even if it is inside another jurisdiction. This is a potential land grab by one jurisdiction over another. Inappropriate use of the Safety Clause.SCIn CommitteeHouse Committee on Transportation, Housing & Local Government Refer Amended to House Committee of the Whole01/01/1970Andy Boesenecker (D)*, Cathy Kipp (D)*, Yara Zokaie (D)*11https://leg.colorado.gov/bills/hb25-1029https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/documents/2025A/bills/fn/2025a_hb1029_00.pdf|Fiscal Note FN1Municipal Authority over Certain Land
https://www.billtrack50.com/billdetail/177096901/01/1970HB1054Lindstedt, Boesenecker & Pelton, Gonzales: Repeal Legislative Audit Committee Reviews of Emissions ProgramNOThis bill lacks transparency and would use funds for another program that may not follow the federal EPA requirements which could institute detrimental regulations for some businesses and people using combustible engines.In CommitteeHouse Second Reading Calendar (09:00:00 1/24/2025 House Floor)01/01/1970Andy Boesenecker (D)*, Julie Gonzales (D)*, Rod Pelton (R)*, William Lindstedt (D)*, Lisa Frizell (R)*, Dafna Michaelson Jenet (D)*11https://leg.colorado.gov/bills/hb25-1054https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/documents/2025A/bills/fn/2025a_hb1054_00.pdf|Fiscal Note FN1Repeal Legislative Audit Committee Reviews of Emissions Program
https://www.billtrack50.com/billdetail/177084001/01/1970HB1077Ricks, Lieder & Roberts: Backflow Prevention Devices RequirementsNOWe like reducing regulatory burdens and the bill appears to be beneficial to most citizens. However, because of the very inappropriate use of the Safety Clause, our board is opposing this otherwise potential good bill.SCIn CommitteeHouse Business Affairs & Labor Hearing (00:00:00 1/29/2025 location)01/01/1970Sheila Lieder (D)*, Naquetta Ricks (D)*, Dylan Roberts (D)*10https://leg.colorado.gov/bills/hb25-1077https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/documents/2025A/bills/fn/2025a_hb1077_00.pdf|Fiscal Note FN1Backflow Prevention Devices Requirements
https://www.billtrack50.com/billdetail/177056901/01/1970SB005Danielson, Rodriguez & Bacon, Mabrey: Worker Protection Collective BargainingNOThis bill was written by the unions, not the workers/employees. This is pay back to unions for their political support and takes away the voices of many workers. A second vote should be required. Very inappropriate use of the Safety Clause.SCIn CommitteeSenate Committee on Business, Labor, & Technology Refer Unamended to Appropriations01/01/1970Jessie Danielson (D)*, Robert Rodriguez (D)*, Jennifer Bacon (D)*, Javier Mabrey (D)*, Judith Amabile (D)*, Jeff Bridges (D)*, Lisa Cutter (D)*, Tony Exum (D)*, Julie Gonzales (D)*, Nick Hinrichsen (D)*, Cathy Kipp (D)*, Chris Kolker (D)*, Janice Marchman (D)*, Dafna Michaelson Jenet (D)*, Tom Sullivan (D)*, Michael Weissman (D)*, Faith Winter (D)*, Andy Boesenecker (D)*, Kyle Brown (D)*, Sean Camacho (D)*, Michael Carter (D)*, Chad Clifford (D)*, Monica Duran (D)*, Regina English (D)*, Meg Froelich (D)*, Lorena García (D)*, Lindsay Gilchrist (D)*, Eliza Hamrick (D)*, Iman Jodeh (D)*, Junie Joseph (D)*, Sheila Lieder (D)*, Mandy Lindsay (D)*, Meghan Lukens (D)*, Matt Martinez (D)*, Tisha Mauro (D)*, Karen McCormick (D)*, Amy Paschal (D)*, Manny Rutinel (D)*, Emily Sirota (D)*, Lesley Smith (D)*, Katie Stewart (D)*, Rebekah Stewart (D)*, Tammy Story (D)*, Brianna Titone (D)*, Elizabeth Velasco (D)*, Jenny Willford (D)*, Steven Woodrow (D)*, Yara Zokaie (D)*11https://leg.colorado.gov/bills/sb25-005https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/documents/2025A/bills/fn/2025a_sb005_00.pdf|Fiscal Note FN1Worker Protection Collective Bargaining
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UrlWeek RatedBill NumberDescriptionCUT PositionCUT CommentSafety ClauseBill ProgressLast ActionAction DateSponsor ListVersionsVotesState LinkFiscal Note LinkName

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